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@book{ Khoualdi2015,
 title = {The impact of knowledge management on job satisfaction: a study on Saudi public universities},
 author = {Khoualdi, Kamel and Saleh, Ohoud},
 year = {2015},
 pages = {12},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The objective of this study is to investigate the existence of a positive impact of knowledge 
management on job satisfaction. The study empirically supports the theoretical effect of knowledge 
management processes on job satisfaction. The findings among employees of selected universities are 
generalized to public university sectors of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, since universities are obvious to 
explore the implementation of knowledge management (KM) in the public sector. The questionnaire, which is 
used as a quantitative data collection instrument, collected certain demographic information that possibly has 
an influence on this study, and measured knowledge management factors influencing employees' job 
satisfaction. The findings of the study depended on the full utilization of statistical data collected and analyzed 
using SPSS. A simple random sample of (490) employees was drawn from the population of (27,963) 
employees from five public universities. From analysis of correlation between factors, which are knowledge 
management processes and job satisfaction, the results of this research found that there is a highly positive 
significant relation between job satisfaction and each process of the knowledge management. The majority 
statements have significant differences between the respondents due to their different demographic variables 
such as old employees, PhD employees, faculty, and employees working at King Saud University and King 
Abdulaziz University that are more agreeable than others are. More theoretical and empirical explanations are 
needed. This research tries to fill this gap in the literature and make significant contributions of knowledge 
management implications such as job satisfaction.},
 keywords = {statistical analysis; statistische Analyse; Wissensmanagement; Saudi-Arabien; Wissensproduktion; knowledge management; Berufszufriedenheit; Hochschule; knowledge production; university; Saudi Arabia; job satisfaction}}