Bibtex export


@incollection{ Dierkes1979,
 title = {Corporate social reporting: the German experience},
 author = {Dierkes, Meinolf},
 year = {1979},
 booktitle = {Corporate social reporting in the United States and Western Europe: report of the Task Force on Corporate Social Performance},
 pages = {56-84},
 address = {Washington, DC},
 publisher = {U.S. Government Printing Office},
 keywords = {production; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; reporting system; business management; Erfahrung; codetermination; Federal Republic of Germany; management; organisatorischer Wandel; Organisationskultur; Unternehmen; Sozialbilanz; soziale Verantwortung; Management; organizational change; social responsibility; Sozialbericht; organizational culture; Berichtswesen; Unternehmenskultur; enterprise; Unternehmensführung; Produktion; Federal Government Report on Social Policy; company's social costs; Mitbestimmung; experience}}