

@incollection{ Simonis1990,
 title = {Towards a "world budget": thoughts on a world resource tax},
 author = {Simonis, Udo E.},
 year = {1990},
 booktitle = {A new global financial order: new approaches towards establishing a sustainable world monetary order, reducing indebtedness, revising the international credit system, reversing and stabilising the international financial transfers},
 pages = {137-142},
 series = {Eine Welt},
 volume = {3},
 address = {Saarbrücken},
 publisher = {Breitenbach},
 isbn = {3-927626-06-6},
 keywords = {Besteuerung; taxation; Umweltpolitik; environmental policy; Instrumentarium; instruments; Ressourcen; resources; Natur; nature; öffentlicher Haushalt; public budget; Welt; world; Steuern; taxes; internationales Währungssystem; international monetary system; Budget; budget}}