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@article{ Janssen2002,
 title = {Umfragen der Jugendforschung in der frühen Bundesrepublik als Quellen für die zeithistorische Forschung: methodische Überlegungen zu ihrer historisch-kontextuellen Sekundäranalyse},
 author = {Janssen, Philip Jost},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {2/3},
 pages = {253-265},
 volume = {27},
 year = {2002},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Based on the fact, that secondary evaluations of sources from social sciences are of high relevance for contemporary historians, it seems to be very productive to refer to the conclusions, that were drawn – and to check them again; to take those primary interpretations, (e.g. the analysis of surveys) as historic sources themselves, potentially including ideological infiltrations or methodological inaccuracies and to compare them with own results. The article presents that procedure by outlining the exemplary project "Youth and leisure time in early FRG" and characterizes, referring to specific questions, the most important surveys of that time.},
 keywords = {Bundesrepublik Deutschland; research; alte Bundesländer; Jugendforschung; secondary analysis; adolescent; old federal states; youth research; survey; Forschungsreaktivität; data; Befragung; Federal Republic of Germany; Jugendlicher; Sekundäranalyse; reactivity effect; Forschung; Daten}}