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@article{ Fritze2015,
 title = {Ideologiekonformität und Indoktriniertheit: zum Herrschaftsanspruch der Weltanschauungsdiktatur},
 author = {Fritze, Lothar},
 journal = {Totalitarismus und Demokratie},
 number = {1},
 pages = {119-139},
 volume = {12},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {1612-9008},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Ideocracies have to look to the people who have the ability to think and act independently within the limits prescribed by the ideology of the system. For this reason, ideocratic regimes cannot aim at completely destroying human autonomy. Indoctrination should thus aspire to generate dispositions to development of convictions that are compliant with the ideology. Ideocracies rely on people who are proactive and capable of thinking for themselves – however, always within the strict limits of the irrevocable essence of the system ideology and without ever questioning the established ideological core. In this inner contradiction of the ideological project are the seeds of its self-destruction.},
 keywords = {politisches System; political ideology; dictatorship; Gesellschaftsordnung; domination; opportunism; Ideologie; Weltanschauung; Legitimität; Diktatur; social structure; political system; Herrschaftssicherung; Opportunismus; Herrschaft; politische Ideologie; Weltanschauung; guarantee of domination; legitimacy; ideology}}