Bibtex export


@incollection{ Cusack1987,
 title = {Government budget processes},
 author = {Cusack, Thomas R.},
 editor = {Bremer, Stuart A.},
 year = {1987},
 booktitle = {The globus model: computer simulation of worldwide political and economic developments},
 pages = {325-458},
 address = {Frankfurt/M.},
 publisher = {Campus-Verl.},
 isbn = {0-8133-0528-4},
 keywords = {Simulation; simulation; Modell; model; Welt; world; öffentlicher Haushalt; public budget; Haushaltspolitik; budgetary policy; Budget; budget; Entscheidungsfindung; decision making; politische Entscheidung; political decision; Allokation; allocation; Ressourcen; resources}}