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@article{ Homburg2006,
 title = {FIFA and the "Chinese Question", 1954-1980: an exercise of statutes},
 author = {Homburg, Heidrun},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {1},
 pages = {69-72},
 volume = {31},
 year = {2006},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Mainly concentrating on FIFA internal documents
the article analyses how the world football federation
reacted to the People's Republic of China’s claim to exclusive
representation; this claim was a problem because the
football association of the Republic of China (Taiwan) had
been affiliated to FIFA in 1954. How did FIFA, despite its
"one country – one association" rule, succeed to integrate
permanently both Chinese football associations into its constituency?
It is argued that both FIFA's statutes and the vicissitudes in
the global political setting contributed to this success. After
much debate and a contemporary withdrawal in 1958 the
People's Republic rejoined FIFA in 1979/80 although they
had failed in ousting Taiwan from membership.},
 keywords = {Fußball; historische Entwicklung; Repräsentation; Taiwan; sports association; membership; Taiwan; sports policy; Mitgliedschaft; historical development; Sportpolitik; Sportverband; China; representation; China; soccer}}