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@incollection{ Kocka1985,
 title = {White-collar employees and industrial society in Imperial Germany},
 author = {Kocka, Jürgen},
 editor = {Iggers, Georg},
 year = {1985},
 booktitle = {The social history of politics: critical perspectives in West German historical writing since 1945},
 pages = {113-136},
 address = {Dover, NH},
 publisher = {Berg},
 isbn = {0-907582-78-8},
 keywords = {leitender Angestellter; senior executive; Industriegesellschaft; industrial society; Imperialismus; imperialism; Kapitalismus; capitalism; Deutsches Kaiserreich; German Empire; 19. Jahrhundert; nineteenth century; 20. Jahrhundert; twentieth century; Beamter; civil servant; Berufsgruppe; occupational group; öffentlicher Dienst; civil service; Bürokratie; bureaucracy; Berufsbild; occupational image; historische Entwicklung; historical development}}