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@article{ Haesebrouck2016,
 title = {The added value of multi-value qualitative comparative analysis},
 author = {Haesebrouck, Tim},
 journal = {Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research},
 number = {1},
 pages = {29},
 volume = {17},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {1438-5627},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article aims to qualify the skeptical view of many leading methodologists on multi-value Qualitative Comparative Analysis (mvQCA). More specifically, it draws attention to a distinctive strength of this QCA-variant. In contrast to the other QCA-variants, mvQCA is capable of straightforwardly capturing the specific causal role of every category of a multi-value condition. This provides it with an important advantage over both crisp set (csQCA) and fuzzy set QCA (fsQCA). fsQCA is not capable of capturing the causal effect of an intermediate category if, depending on the context, it can have a different impact than the full presence of the corresponding condition. csQCA, in turn, tends to attribute a causal role to the absence of condition values, which in the case of multi-value conditions often encompass very different cases. The article first discusses the comparative advantage of mvQCA with a constructed data set, after which it reanalyzes two published studies to demonstrate these advantages with empirical data. (author's abstract)In diesem Beitrag beschäftige ich mich mit der Skepsis vieler Methodolog/innen gegenüber der Multi-Value Qualitative Comparative Analysis (mvQCA), bzw. genauer: ich versuche einer wichtigen Stärke dieser QCA-Variante Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken. Anders als andere QCA-Varianten kann die mvQCA die spezifische kausale Rolle jeder Kategorie in einem mv-Setting einfangen, ein entscheidender Vorteil, verglichen mit Crisp-Set (csQCA) und Fuzzy-Set QCA (fsQCA). In diesem Beitrag diskutiere ich zunächst die Vorteile der mvQCA an einem konstruierten Datenset und reanalysiere danach zwei veröffentlicht vorliegende Studien, um diese Vorteile auch an empirischen Daten zu demonstrieren. (Autorenreferat)},
 keywords = {Methodologie; methodology; qualitative Methode; qualitative method; Analyse; analysis; Komplexität; complexity; Kausalität; causality; Kausalanalyse; causal analysis; vergleichende Forschung; comparative research}}