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@book{ Thamm2011,
 title = {Comparing webometric with web-independent rankings: a case study with German universities},
 author = {Thamm, Mark and Mayr, Philipp},
 year = {2011},
 pages = {3},
 address = {Koblenz},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"In this paper we examine if hyperlink-based (webometric) indicators can be used to rank academic websites. Therefore we analyzed the interlinking structure of German university websites and compared our simple hyperlink-based ranking with official and web-independent rankings of universities. We found that link impact could not easily be seen as a prestige factor for universities." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Ranking; website; network; Korrelation; Universität; university; Federal Republic of Germany; measurement; ranking; correlation; Website; Netzwerk; Messung; Prestige; prestige}}