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@article{ Simonis1992,
 title = {Cooperation or confrontation: how to allocate CO2 emission reductions between north and south?},
 author = {Simonis, Udo E.},
 journal = {Law and state : a biannual coll. of recent German contributions to these fields},
 pages = {91-111},
 volume = {46},
 year = {1992},
 issn = {0341-6151},
 keywords = {internationaler Vergleich; international comparison; historische Entwicklung; historical development; Nord-Süd-Beziehungen; north-south relations; internationale Zusammenarbeit; international cooperation; Umweltpolitik; environmental policy; Emission; emission; Schadstoff; pollutant; Quantität; quantity; Umweltschutz; environmental protection; Treibhauseffekt; greenhouse effect; Verteilung; distribution; Szenario; scenario}}