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@article{ Liu2016,
 title = {Web survey experiments on fully balanced, minimally balanced and unbalanced rating scales},
 author = {Liu, Mingnan and Cho, Sarah},
 journal = {Survey Methods: Insights from the Field},
 pages = {10},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {2296-4754},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {When asking attitudinal questions with dichotomous and mutually exclusive response options, the questions can be presented in one
of three ways: a full balanced question, a minimally balanced question, and an unbalanced question. Although previous research has
compared the fully vs. minimally balanced rating scales, as far as we know, these three types of rating scales have not been tested in
a strict experimental setting. In this study, we report two web survey experiments testing these three types of rating scales among 16
different questions. Different from most previous studies, this study used visual display only without any auditory component. Overall,
the univariate distributions across these three scale balancing types are very similar to one another. Similar patterns are found when
breaking down the analysis by respondent’s education level.},
 keywords = {Antwortverhalten; rating scale; Experiment; online survey; Online-Befragung; questionnaire; Entwicklung; development; response behavior; survey research; experiment; Umfrageforschung; Ratingskala; Fragebogen}}