

@incollection{ Rosenbrock1988,
 title = {Social, medical and social sciences' requirements for the prevention and fight against Aids},
 author = {Rosenbrock, Rolf},
 editor = {Kubicki, Stanislaw and Henkes, Hans and Bienzle, Ulrich and Pohle, Hans D.},
 year = {1988},
 booktitle = {HIV and the nervous system: proceedings of the symposium on neurological aspects in AIDS},
 pages = {185-195},
 address = {Stuttgart},
 publisher = {Fischer},
 isbn = {3-437-11176-0},
 keywords = {Infektionskrankheit; Gesundheitsvorsorge; AIDS; medizinische Versorgung; Gesundheitswissenschaft; AIDS; medical care; therapy; social science; health science; Medizin; health care; prophylaxis; Sozialwissenschaft; medicine; Gesundheitspolitik; Prophylaxe; contagious disease; health policy; Therapie}}