

@incollection{ Mayr2011,
 title = {A science model driven retrieval prototype},
 author = {Mayr, Philipp and Schaer, Philipp and Mutschke, Peter},
 editor = {Boteram, Felix and Gödert, Winfried and Hubrich, Jessica},
 year = {2011},
 booktitle = {Concepts in context: proceedings of the Cologne Conference on Interoperability and Semantics in Knowledge Organization, July 19th - 20th, 2010},
 pages = {1-8},
 series = {Bibiotheca academica / Reihe Informations- und Bibliothekswissenschaften},
 volume = {1},
 address = {Würzburg},
 publisher = {Ergon-Verl.},
 isbn = {978-3-89913-871-9},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This paper is about a better understanding on the structure and dynamics of science and the usage of these insights for compensating the typical problems that arises in metadata-driven Digital Libraries. Three science model driven retrieval services are presented: co-word analysis based query expansion, re-ranking via Bradfordizing and author centrality. The services are evaluated with relevance assessments from which two important implications emerge: (1) precision values of the retrieval service are the same or better than the tf-idf retrieval baseline and (2) each service retrieved a disjoint set of documents. The different services each favor quite other - but still relevant - documents than pure term-frequency based rankings. The proposed models and derived retrieval services therefore open up new viewpoints on the scientific knowledge space and provide an alternative framework to structure scholarly information systems. (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Ranking; data bank; knowledge management; information retrieval; Informationsgewinnung; information and documentation; specialized information; Informationssystem; Information und Dokumentation; ranking; Wissensmanagement; information system; Datenbank; information capture; Informationswissenschaft; information retrieval; information science; Fachinformation}}