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@article{ Scheible2007,
 title = {Interkulturelle Kompetenz für das Management im Gesundheitswesen},
 author = {Scheible, Daniel},
 journal = {interculture journal: Online-Zeitschrift für interkulturelle Studien},
 number = {4},
 pages = {49-56},
 volume = {6},
 year = {2007},
 issn = {2196-9485},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Daniel Scheible widmet sich dem Thema Employability aus Sicht einer bestimmten Branche, dem Gesundheitssektor. In seinem Artikel "Interkulturelle Kompetenz für das Management im Gesundheitswesen" weist er einerseits die steigende Bedeutung interkultureller Kommunikationsfähigkeiten in diesem Bereich, andererseits ihre mangelhafte Vermittlung in herkömmliche Bachelorstudiengängen im Gesundheitsmanagement nach. Am Beispiel der Europaschule Fresenius entwirft er ein Konzept zur Integration von kulturwissenschaftlichen Inhalten in Studiengänge des Gesundheitsmanagements.The demand for health services is growing in all industrialized countries. But resources are limited and call for professional management. In this article it is shown that managers in the area of health care need competences from the fields of management and health sciences as well as social competence. Intercultural competence is especially important if a manager wants to be successful in the culturally diverse health care sector. But intercultural competence is seldom provided as content of teaching in health care management bachelor programs in the German-speaking part, even though it would be easy to combine health management contents with intercultural modules of international business administration programs. This is exemplified through the bachelor program "Health Care Business Administration" in the Europa Fachhochschule Fresenius, Idstein (Germany). The result is an increased employability for graduates in institutions of health care. The integration of intercultural contents into the bachelor programs provide at the same time for short duration of study, because students do not have to enroll in an intercultural master program to get the target qualification. However, how to develop such modules that increase the employability of managers in health care is yet an open question.},
 keywords = {interkulturelle Kommunikation; intercultural communication; management; Studiengang; Management; health care delivery system; intercultural skills; Gesundheitswesen; program of study; interkulturelle Kompetenz}}