

@article{ Haolader2015,
 title = {The taxonomy for learning, teaching and assessing: current practices at polytechnics in Bangladesh and its effects in developing students' competences},
 author = {Haolader, Faruque A. and Ali, Md Ramjan and Foysol, Khan Md},
 journal = {International journal for research in vocational education and training},
 number = {2},
 pages = {99-118},
 volume = {2},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2197-8646},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Polytechnics in Bangladesh endeavour to produce quality graduates for
national and international job markets. The quality of graduates depends on several
factors. This study examines the implementation process of the polytechnic curriculum
with the objectives of determining the current level of practices in learning/
teaching material design, in delivering curriculum content, in assessing students
and its effect on students’ competence development. Data was collected
through observation, opinion survey and competence test. Qualitative and quantitative
methodologies were used for data interpretation and analysis in this descriptive
type of research study. Findings revealed that the learning materials are mainly
theory oriented and mostly cover those contents usually common in exams. About
half of teachers are aware of the taxonomy for learning, teaching and assessing, but
they rarely put importance on it. In the classroom, teachers spend only a little time
for delivering content at the level of apply/analyse. However, a significant number
of tasks performed in labs are practical and occupation relevant and can be classified
at higher levels of the taxonomy. In student assessment, the test-items assess
mainly theoretical knowledge at the level of remember. The effect of these practices
is reflected in demonstrating student performance in a competence test. The
study concludes with some recommendations.},
 keywords = {theory-practice; studies (academic); technical college; competence; Fachhochschule; Ingenieurwissenschaft; Bangladesh; Kompetenz; Studium; Taxonomie; vocational education; engineering science; Theorie-Praxis; taxonomy; Berufsbildung; South Asia; Bangladesch; Südasien; curriculum development; Curriculumentwicklung}}