

@article{ Soós2015,
 title = {Comparing Orbánism and Gaullism: the
Gaullist physiognomy of Orbán's post-2010 Hungary},
 author = {Soós, Eszter Petronella},
 journal = {Studia Politica: Romanian Political Science Review},
 number = {1},
 pages = {91-108},
 volume = {15},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {1582-4551},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The right wing Hungarian governing party (Fidesz - Alliance of Young Democrats), often refers to France and French Gaullism as a political inspiration. This paper asserts that, despite some limitations, Gaullism is a viable analogy for better understanding the nature of Orbánism. The article identifies the major characteristics of Gaullism and Orbánism in order to systematically compare them by addressing the topics of: national grandeur and the importance of foreign policy; anti-liberalism, populism and etatism; antiparliamentarism; charismatic leadership and direct democracy; legality and legitimacy; the creation of a new constitution and the movement's approach to history. The concluding remarks discuss the limits of the analogy and make suggestions for further analyses.},
 keywords = {Frankreich; France; Ungarn; Hungary; Gaullismus; Gaullism; Vergleich; comparison}}