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@article{ Engartner2006,
 title = {Rezension: Butterwegge, Christoph, 2005: Krise und Zukunft des Sozialstaates},
 author = {Engartner, Tim},
 journal = {Sozialwissenschaften und Berufspraxis},
 number = {1},
 pages = {134-135},
 volume = {29},
 year = {2006},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {social policy; Krise; social security; Social Democratic Party of Germany; welfare state; social dismantling; Bündnis 90/ Die Grünen; reform; Sozialstaat; Arbeitsmarktpolitik; SPD; social welfare state; soziale Sicherung; Alliance 90/ The Greens; Reform; crisis; coalition; labor market policy; Sozialabbau; Sozialpolitik; Koalition; Wohlfahrtsstaat}}