

@article{ Buschbom2013,
 title = {Anlass oder Legitimation? Zum Verhältnis zwischen rechter Gewalt und Ideologie},
 author = {Buschbom, Jan},
 journal = {Totalitarismus und Demokratie},
 number = {2},
 pages = {301-323},
 volume = {10},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {1612-9008},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Starting out from the thesis that in many cases the research on violence misunderstands the significance of ideology for violence within a society, the text pursues the question of how violence and ideology are related to each other. Based on culture-philosophical studies on the nature and effect of myths, the author grasps ideology as a secondary myth, to describe the deeply affective rooting of the ideological narrative in the personality-structures of individual right-wing violent criminals and right–wing groups of criminals. Then these considerations are confronted with the biographies and deeds of three right-wing extremist violent criminals, to finally discuss them accordingly.},
 keywords = {Rechtsradikalismus; right-wing radicalism; Ideologie; ideology; Individuum; individual; Persönlichkeit; personality; Struktur; structure; Gruppenbildung; group formation; Biographie; biography; Persönlichkeitsentwicklung; personality development; Kulturphilosophie; philosophy of culture; Forschungsstand; research status; Gewaltbereitschaft; propensity to violence; politische Gruppe; political group; Gewaltkriminalität; violent crime; Neonazismus; neo-Nazism; Gewalt; violence}}