

@incollection{ Vorobyova2014,
 title = {Творческие технологии как часть процесса реабилитации людей с ограниченными возможностями здоровья (на примере кгбсусо 'мамонтовский психоневрологический интернат')},
 author = {Vorobyova, A. and Ivanytskaja, M.},
 year = {2014},
 booktitle = {Scientific research in the XXI Century: Proceedings of the I International Scientific Conference on Eurasian scientific cooperation},
 pages = {101-102},
 address = {Moscow},
 publisher = {Global Partnership},
 isbn = {978-5-9906103-0-9},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The paper discusses the possibility of using creative technologies in the field of social work, including the process of rehabilitation of people with disabilities. The authors describe a technology of creative process of rehabilitation as an example in a particular institution.},
 keywords = {social work; Entwicklung; development; Sozialarbeit; Behinderung; disability; Kreativität; Behinderter; social rehabilitation; handicapped; soziale Rehabilitation; creativity}}