

@incollection{ Andreevsky2014,
 title = {Проблематика выбора государственной Идеологии в России как ядро Интеграционных проектов в Евразии},
 author = {Andreevsky, E. V. and Daneykin, Yu. V.},
 year = {2014},
 booktitle = {Scientific research in the XXI Century: Proceedings of the I International Scientific Conference on Eurasian scientific cooperation},
 pages = {13-18},
 publisher = {Global Partnership},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In the article the authors share their view on the basic issues of Russian ideological policy in terms of creation and further development of the Eurasian Economic Union. The article briefly describes such ideological trends as nationalism, religious fundamentalism, fascism, Soviet socialism and liberal democracy. The authors conclude that it is necessary to justify the Eurasian integration as an ideological basis for the post-Soviet space.},
 keywords = {political integration; political ideology; Staatenbund; economic union; confederation; politische Integration; international trade policy; Außenwirtschaftspolitik; Russland; Wirtschaftsunion; Russia; nationale Identität; politische Ideologie; national identity}}