

@incollection{ Kaluzhsky1999,
 title = {Региональные интересы и региональная политика в сфере занятости на территории Омской области},
 author = {Kaluzhsky, Mikhail},
 year = {1999},
 booktitle = {Социальный диалог на рынке труда: материалы межрегиональной научно-практической конференции},
 pages = {50-54},
 address = {Omsk},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Article objective contradictions that arise in the implementation of the state policy of employment at various levels of social management. On the basis of allocation of five levels of social control by the author offers methodological approaches to significantly increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the state policy in the field of employment.},
 keywords = {Regionalpolitik; regional policy; Beschäftigungspolitik; employment policy; Sozialpolitik; social policy; Arbeitslosigkeit; unemployment; Arbeitsmarktentwicklung; labor market trend; Russland; Russia}}