

@book{ Klimczuk2012,
 title = {Outplacement dla pracowników - bariery, potrzeby, czynniki rozwoju},
 author = {Klimczuk, Andrzej and Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena},
 year = {2012},
 pages = {140},
 address = {Białystok},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This report discusses the following topics: definitions and functions outplacement; the importance of human work; the impact of unemployment on active job search; activity of employers and employees to prevent layoffs; support for laid-off workers and employees staying in the enterprise; outplacement in the local labor market policy; benefits and barriers to the use of outplacement from the perspective of firms.},
 keywords = {Personalabbau; layoffs; Personalpolitik; personnel policy; Arbeitslosigkeit; unemployment; Arbeitsuche; job search; Beschäftigungsförderung; employment promotion; Personalentwicklung; human resources development; soziale Verantwortung; social responsibility; Arbeitsmarktpolitik; labor market policy; berufliche Weiterbildung; advanced vocational education; Qualifikation; qualification; Polen; Poland}}