

@article{ Ina2008,
 title = {Praktische Philosophie und Unternehmensethik: Weisheit und Wirtschaft; konstruktiver Dialog oder Kategorienfehler?},
 author = {Ina, Schmidt},
 journal = {Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik},
 number = {3},
 pages = {431-435},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2008},
 issn = {1439-880X},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"The idea of a philosophical view to open new economic perspectives on values and social responsibility creates new possibilities within the debate about ethical standards in the context of companies and organizations. Through defining and describing the structures of thinking and communicating in economic systems and especially in complex situations of change, a philosophical dialogue helps to clear the real situation and the real possibilities of acting - in an ethical and responsible way: authentic and open minded." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Selbstverantwortung; self-responsibility; Ethik; ethics; Unternehmensethik; business ethics; Philosophie; philosophy; Handlungsspielraum; scope of action; Beratung; counseling; soziale Verantwortung; social responsibility; Wirtschaftssystem; economic system; Denken; thinking; wirtschaftliches Handeln; economic action; Wertorientierung; value-orientation; Standardisierung; standardization (meth.)}}