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@article{ Insuasty Rodriguez2011,
 title = {Soberanía popular en nuestros territorios: en defensa de la vida, el territorio, el agua, la cultura},
 author = {Insuasty Rodriguez, Alfonso},
 journal = {Revista Kavilando},
 number = {1-2},
 pages = {4-6},
 volume = {3},
 year = {2011},
 issn = {2027-2391},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Understanding that the "Congress of the Peoples" is a process of social and popular character that summons all those dynamics and processes of peoples, sectors and regions that are ready to undertake a legislative common construction for mandatar the future and the present of our country with a Latin-American and world perspective, the Magazine Kavilando assumes in this edition the commitment to facilitate the debate concerning the fight for the life, the territory, the water, the culture and the life deigns as a contribution in the way towards the construction of the autonomies and the popular sovereignty.},