

@book{ Achieng'2005,
 title = {Moving from gender in the economy of care to gender relations in negotiating well being: changing environments, new conceptualisations and methodologies},
 author = {Achieng', Roseline M.},
 year = {2005},
 series = {Working Paper / Universität Bielefeld, Fakultät für Soziologie, Forschungsschwerpunkt Entwicklungssoziologie},
 pages = {28},
 volume = {350},
 address = {Bielefeld},
 publisher = {Universität Bielefeld, Fak. für Soziologie, Forschungsschwerpunkt Entwicklungssoziologie},
 issn = {0936-3408},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"Is the economy of care still a good conceptualisation for the changes currently occurring in sub-
Saharan Africa? Why is there a persistent invisibility of women and their contributions to both
the reproduction and production work in society? Why is it that despite the change in gender
roles, there is a persistent non dynamic change in gender power relations that pervade social
relations of production and reproduction?
The work at hand is a contribution that sets out to develop new conceptualisations, methodologies
and issues for research. It is an attempt to formulate new conceptualisations of gender relations
beyond the household but which are in close intersection with household economies. This
interface, as I would like to construe of it, is an intersection of the household and other social
institutions like the market and the public sphere. How these social institutions intersect and how
this affects decisions on who does what, when, with whom, with what, why and how things are to
be done, are conceptual and methodological issues that will be here analysed.
The point of departure is that in Africa, relations between men and women at the social, economic
and political spheres are undergoing specific and significant transformations. However, despite
the specificities of the changes to a given situation and everyday realities as experienced by social
groups in a given context, there has been little research on how inter-linkages at different levels
do occur. Moreover, these specificities show commonalities, necessitating the development of
concepts that cut across the geographical divide.
The central problem addressed by this paper is that of combining context specific, historically
relevant but cross cutting (comparative) analytical lenses that address the changing nature of
gender relations. This new way of looking further addresses the need for a re-conceptualisation of
household economies by moving them to the contours of both the markets and the public sphere
and interlinking them in order to tease out the continuities and discontinuities there of. The paper
thus recognizes that although the economy of care is a good starting point, it has however failed
to capture in its entirety the changing gender power relations in negotiating well being by
securing entitlement to livelihood at the different but interlinked spheres of social life. As such
therefore, the paper proposes a re-conceptualisation of gender in the economy of care to the
analysis of gender relations in the negotiation of well being.
I further illustrate why the concept of negotiating well being and the gender power relations there
in, is a much wider and relevant concept to the changing African everyday realities. I argue that
once we adopt the concept of negotiating well being, then, it will be of necessity to redirect some
of our epistemological and consequently conceptual and methodological approaches. It is through
doing this that we may begin to appreciate the social realities as they present themselves to us." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Afrika südlich der Sahara; Africa South of the Sahara; Frau; woman; Geschlechterverhältnis; gender relations; Geschlechtsrolle; gender role; Reproduktion; reproduction; Frauenerwerbstätigkeit; women's employment; Eigenarbeit; self-initiated work; soziale Ungleichheit; social inequality; soziale Beziehungen; social relations}}