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@book{ Peucker2006,
 title = {The hate crime concept in GERMANY and how to improve the knowledge on the extent of hate crimes},
 author = {Peucker, Mario},
 year = {2006},
 pages = {6},
 address = {Bamberg},
 publisher = {europäisches forum für migrationsstudien (efms) Institut an der Universität Bamberg},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Contents: 1. Hate crime concept in the police registration system; 2. Weaknesses of the (new) police registration system; 3. A significant contribution: non-governmental victim support
organisations; 4. Recommendation},
 keywords = {Straftat; offense; Hass; hate; Ausländerfeindlichkeit; xenophobia; Antisemitismus; antisemitism; Rassismus; racism; Rechtsradikalismus; right-wing radicalism; Opfer; victim; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany; Polizei; police; Strafgesetzbuch; penal code}}