

@article{ Purtova2012,
 title = {Formation of attitudes about tolerant consciousness and behavior in modern polycultural society},
 author = {Purtova, Anna Sergeevna},
 journal = {Modern Research of Social Problems},
 number = {2},
 pages = {12},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2218-7405},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Purpose:  to search the peculiarities  of forming of attitude about tolerant 
behavior in society.
Methodology: system method, method of the comparative analysis, method of 
the etymological analysis, general scientific methods (the analysis and synthesis, an 
induction and deduction).
Results: The article is devoted to the phenomenon “tolerance” in the modern 
changing society. The urgency of the theme of research is proved, тhe semantic field 
problem of the “tolerance” notion is considered, structure of tolerance is investigated, 
conditions of forming of  tolerant consciousness and  behavior in society are 
Practical implications:  The results of investigation can be  used in making 
studying programs of new generation  in intercultural communication for schools, 
colleges and universities and are included in course of social philosophy, psychology, 
ethics, sociology, intercultural communication, politology.},