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@article{ Bârsan2013,
 title = {Sicurezza alimentare tra commercio internazionale e land grabbing},
 author = {Bârsan, Ana-Maria},
 journal = {Annals of the University of Bucharest / Political science series},
 number = {2},
 pages = {25-37},
 volume = {15},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {1582-2486},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Food security is one of the most complex problems that the world is facing today. This paper discusses the role of international trade in food security and analyzes whether there is a real option to promote or attract land investments, alongside domestic production and international trade for the nations touched by food insecurity. Considering food security as a common purpose for all nations, independently of their level of development or political ideologies, the research concludes that serious cooperation within international agricultural trade negotiations represents the main step towards resolving the most important world challenges such as achieving global food security alongside “Green Growth”. International trade is connected with economic development: free trade brings on medium and long term economic growth. Fighting against poverty requires efficient economic policies and, due to the high degree of economic integration reached by the international economy, this is possible only if governments cooperate with each other and with international organizations, avoiding protectionism.},
 keywords = {Ernährungspolitik; nutrition policy; Handel; commerce; Entwicklung; development; Investition; investment; Ernährungssituation; nutrition situation; Welthandel; world trade; Landnutzung; land utilization; Landwirtschaft; agriculture; Außenwirtschaftspolitik; international trade policy; politische Verhandlung; political negotiation}}