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@article{ Shapovalova2014,
 title = {Development of childcare and maternity facilities network in the Krasnodar Territory during the postwar years},
 author = {Shapovalova, Yanina Anatolyevna},
 journal = {Theory and practice of social development},
 pages = {4},
 volume = {9},
 year = {2014},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The article is devoted to the post-war state and development of childcare and maternity organizations in the Krasnodar region. The author examines the issues of the lack and the overcrowdedness of the specialized apartments; the decrease of pediatric and obstetric institutions network; the deficiency of therapeutic beds.},
 keywords = {polyclinic; Spezialklinik; organizations; Organisationen; Russland; Poliklinik; Russia; child care; Kinderbetreuung; Kind; child; post-war period; specialized hospital; orphan; Waise; Nachkriegszeit; Mutterschaft; motherhood}}