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@article{ Maier2013,
 title = {Assessing reception and individual responses to media messages: relevance, computer techniques, quality and analysis of Real-Time Response Measurements (RTR–M)},
 author = {Maier, Jürgen},
 journal = {ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies},
 number = {1},
 pages = {169-184},
 volume = {6},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {1775-352X},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Media messages have an important impact on political attitudes and behavior. Hence, the question arises - how is media content received at an individual level? This question is difficult to investigate with the social science research methods currently available. Measuring an individual’s real-time reaction to auditory or visual media content using computers, i.e. real-time response (RTR) measurement, can be a fruitful approach to address the question. This article describes various RTR techniques, discusses the reliability and validity of RTR measurements and outlines strategies on how to analyze RTR data.},