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%T Group performance: a confrontation of a proximate with an ultimate evaluation %A Witte, Erich H. %P 24 %V 67 %D 2006 %= 2012-05-07T11:54:00Z %~ USB Köln %> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-362311 %X "In this article, two scientific approaches are conjoined: Small group research and evolutionary theory. In the past 50 years, small group researchers have identified various deficits in group performance. Presently, how to improve group interaction is a focal point of their work. Meanwhile, social psychologists are paying more attention to evolutionary theory, and process losses in group performance may be evaluated differently from such a perspective. It appears that proximate performance losses could mean ultimate gains for the individual. A reduction in group performance should therefore be anticipated from a proximate perspective, because it represents an individual selection advantage from the ultimate view. As a means of intervention, group facilitation techniques are the key to proximate gains in group processes."[auathor´s abstract] %C DEU %C Hamburg %G en %9 Forschungsbericht %W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org %~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info