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@book{ Klimczuk2013,
 title = {Diagnoza postaw mieszkańców Białegostoku w zakresie tolerancji},
 author = {Klimczuk, Andrzej and Poleszczuk, Jan and Sztop-Rutkowska, Katarzyna and Kiszkiel, Łukasz and Mejsak, Rafał Julian},
 year = {2013},
 pages = {49},
 address = {Białystok},
 publisher = {Fundacja SocLab},
 isbn = {978-83-63870-02-7},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The aim of the project is to provide a thorough and practical knowledge on the attitudes of the inhabitants of Bialystok within tolerance. Taken diagnosis allows the formation of social policy in dealing with intolerance, as well as to enable the government matching of appropriate instruments of social policy to specific target groups. On the basis of the study - groups with a higher degree of intolerance are indicated.},
 keywords = {Toleranz; tolerance; Einstellung; attitude; kulturelle Vielfalt; cultural diversity; multikulturelle Gesellschaft; multicultural society; Diskriminierung; discrimination; Einwanderung; immigration; Migration; migration; Ausländer; alien; Exklusion; exclusion; Stereotyp; stereotype; Sozialpolitik; social policy; Polen; Poland}}