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@article{ Fontanine2013,
 title = {Using GIS techniques for surface runoff potential analysis in the Subcarpathian area between Buzãu and Slãnic rivers, in Romania},
 author = {Fontanine, Iulia and Costache, Romulus},
 journal = {Cinq Continents},
 number = {7},
 pages = {47-57},
 volume = {3},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {2247-2290},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The Subcarpathian area between Buzău and Slănic rivers, located in the south-eastern part of Romania, is one of the most affected areas by the 
torrential related phenomena. This occurs due to physical-geographical and economical-geographical factors, such as: slope, curvature profile, lithology, soil texture and land use. In order to calculate and spatially model the surface runoff potential index, these factors were integrated 
and worked in GIS enviroment. Each characteristic of the factors was given a bonitation score, according to the way that it influences surface 
runoff. By applying the methodology mainly taken after Smith (2003), the Flash-Flood Potential Index was obtained, with values between 19.4 - 44.5. The highest values of the index correspond to deforestated slopes, which exceed 15º, located in Bălăneasa and Sărățel river basins.},
 keywords = {Informationssystem; information system; Geographie; geography; Rumänien; Romania; Naturkatastrophe; natural disaster; Region; region; geographische Faktoren; geographical factors}}