

@article{ Dore1996,
 title = {Unions between class and enterprise: the speculative observations of a novice},
 author = {Dore, Ronald},
 journal = {Industrielle Beziehungen : Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management},
 number = {2},
 pages = {154-171},
 volume = {3},
 year = {1996},
 issn = {0943-2779},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Gewerkschaft; trade union; Arbeitsbeziehungen; labor relations; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany; soziale Klasse; social class; Arbeiter; worker; Arbeitnehmervertretung; workers' representation; Kollektivverhandlung; collective bargaining; Arbeiterbewegung; labor movement; sozialer Wandel; social change; Unternehmen; enterprise; Identifikation; identification}}