

@book{ Gretschel2011,
 title = {Youth participation in Finland and in Germany: status analysis and data based recommendations},
 author = {Gretschel, Anu and Helmisaari, Vappu and Kiilakoski, Tomi and Matthies, Aila-Leena and Meinhold-Henschel, Sigrid and Roth, Roland and Tasanko, Pia and Feldmann-Wojtachnia, Eva},
 year = {2011},
 pages = {90},
 address = {München},
 publisher = {The Finnish Youth Research Network},
 isbn = {3-933456-44-4},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany; Finnland; Finland; Jugendlicher; adolescent; Partizipation; participation; politische Partizipation; political participation; bürgerschaftliches Engagement; citizens' involvement; Mitbestimmung; codetermination; Jugendpolitik; youth policy; Freizeitverhalten; leisure time behavior; Kind; child; Jugendrecht; juvenile law; Kinderrechte; children's rights; Jugendvertretung; young representation}}