

@incollection{ Castillo1987,
 title = {Capitalist development and social structure in Argentina, 1880-1930},
 author = {Castillo, Hugo F. and Tulchin, Joseph S.},
 editor = {Schröder, Wilhelm H. and Jarausch, Konrad H.},
 year = {1987},
 booktitle = {Quantitative history of society and economy: some international studies},
 pages = {193-234},
 series = {Historisch-Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen : quantitative sozialwissenschaftliche Analysen von historischen und prozeß-produzierten Daten},
 volume = {21},
 address = {St. Katharinen},
 publisher = {Scripta Mercaturae Verl.},
 isbn = {3-922661-40-8},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Argentinien; Argentina; Wirtschaftsentwicklung; economic development (on national level); Kapitalismus; capitalism; Wirtschaftswachstum; economic growth; sozioökonomische Entwicklung; socioeconomic development; landwirtschaftliche Entwicklung; agricultural development; Kapitalmarkt; capital market; Kreditwesen; credit system; Produktionsverhältnisse; relations of production; Sozialstruktur; social structure; Weltmarkt; world market; 19. Jahrhundert; nineteenth century; 20. Jahrhundert; twentieth century; Südamerika; South America; Entwicklungsland; developing country}}