Bibtex export


@book{ Terminski2011,
 title = {Les migrations, les réfugiés, les droits de l’homme: un guide bibliographique des publications parues en langue française},
 author = {Terminski, Bogumil},
 year = {2011},
 series = {New Issues in Refugee Research},
 pages = {106},
 volume = {216},
 address = {Genf},
 publisher = {United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees},
 issn = {1020-7473},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Bibliographic guide of French language publications on refugee law, asylum, forced migrations and related disciplines.This bibliography highlights French-language works relating to refugees and migrants that were published over the last 25 years.  The entries are divided by type: books, reports and studies; journal articles and book chapters; scholarly journals; web sites in French; and finally, relevant organizations based in France. Each entry is followed by an indication in parentheses of the type of migrant discussed in the resource. While not a comprehensive bibliography, the first two sections list approximately 1800 references.
Note: Downloadable document is in French.},
 keywords = {politisches Asyl; political asylum; Menschenrechte; Flüchtlingsrecht; Migration; Vertreibung; international law; internationales Recht; human rights; refugee law; Flucht; flight; migration; displacement}}