

@article{ Görgen2007,
 title = {Kambodscha auf dem Weg zum
Einparteienstaat? – Die Gemeindewahlen 2007},
 author = {Görgen, Maraile},
 journal = {Südostasien aktuell : journal of current Southeast Asian affairs},
 number = {3},
 pages = {100-110},
 volume = {26},
 year = {2007},
 issn = {0722-8821},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {On April 1st, Cambodia’s second Commune/Sangkat Council Election took place. Eight million
Cambodians went to the polling stations to cast their votes for one of the 12 standing parties. The
ruling Cambodia People’s Party could consolidate its power and won even more Council seats than
in previous Commune/Sangkat Council Elections. While prime minister Hun Sens’ party even
became stronger and by now holds 70% of all Council/Sangkat seats, the royalists lost votes and
just the oppositional Sam Rainsy Party was able to extend its almost nationwide representation.
Election observers were satisfied with the election process that was fairly free and fair even though
irregularities were reported during the election preparation and campaigning time. The Election
Day itself, however, was considered as one of the best in Cambodia’s young history since the
adaptation of democracy.},
 keywords = {Kambodscha; Cambodia; Kommunalwahl; local election; Wahlergebnis; election result; politische Situation; political situation; Wahlkampf; election campaign}}