Endnote export


%T ASEAN - Probleme und Chancen regionaler Kooperation in Ostasien
%A Loewen, Howard
%J Südostasien aktuell : journal of current Southeast Asian affairs
%N 5
%P 85-100
%V 26
%D 2007
%@ 1868-4882
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-336056
%X The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has been existing for 40 years. Starting out
as a security alliance in the sixties, it gradually developed into a genuine Southeast Asian institution
after the end of systemic bipolarity, now encompassing all the states and their economic interests
in the region, especially after the asian crisis in 1997. ASEAN has often been labelled as a paper
tiger, lacking effective means to solve cooperation problems between states in southeast Asia. Does
this model still apply to the present situation? The main argument of this paper is that ASEAN is
not trying and will not be able to establish effective supranational mechanismus like in the EU. At
this time, its main functions lie a) in the initiation of new economic institutions in the region like
ASEAN+3 and the East Asian Summit, b) the integration and balancing of great powers like China,
India, Japan, Australia and the USA. Hence, ASEAN is an important regional actor at the interface
between economic interests and power in East Asia.
%G de
%9 journal article
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info