

@article{ Vinevskaya2012,
 title = {Using the potential of information technology to create a mobile learning environment},
 author = {Vinevskaya, Anna},
 journal = {Koncept (Kirov): Scientific and Methodological e-magazine},
 number = {9},
 pages = {6},
 year = {2012},
 issn = {2304-120X},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In article it is told about use of information technologies in formation of professional
mobility of the bachelor of pedagogics. The graduate who has received qualification of the
bachelor of pedagogics should be prepared for design of pedagogical process, to own professional
activity; to creation of interpersonal and business relations; to mobile interaction with the
sociocultural and professional environment, to creation of own mobile educational environment.
In article conditions of formation of professional mobility of the bachelor of pedagogics by means
of information technologies in TGPI of a name of A. P. Chekhov are considered.},
 keywords = {Erziehungswissenschaft; pedagogics; Studium; studies (academic); Bachelor; bachelor; Informationstechnologie; information technology; Berufsmobilität; occupational mobility; Lernumgebung; learning environment; Absolvent; graduate; Hochschule; university}}