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@article{ Kalinichenko2011,
 title = {The development of legal framework for Russia-EU relations: 2010 results},
 author = {Kalinichenko, Paul A.},
 journal = {Baltic Region},
 number = {3},
 pages = {27-33},
 year = {2011},
 issn = {2079-8555},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article deals with the development of
legal framework for Russia-EU relations in
2010. The author analyses the preparation of
the new basic agreement, the development of
sectoral EU-Russia agreements, and soft law
amendments, as well as relevant regulations of
the European Union and Russian law. The
article reviews current initiatives and approaches
of the Parties in the legal regulation of
the „Partnership for modernisation".},
 keywords = {EU; legislation; international relations; Europäisches Recht; European Law; Gesetzgebung; Russland; Russia; internationales Abkommen; international agreement; Recht; internationale Beziehungen; law; EU}}