

%T Target group monitoring in European regions: empirical findings and conceptual approaches
%E Larsen, Christa
%E Mathejczyk, Waldemar
%E Kipper, Jenny
%E Schmid, Alfons
%P 222
%D 2008
%@ 978-3-86618-269-1
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-324698
%X "Target Group Monitoring is a regional approach to generate data to cover adequately the information needs of labour market actors. Approaches from different European regions are presented in this book, applied onto migrants as a target group of labour market politics. Furthermore, the central elements of these approaches are discussed with respect to their suitability for other target groups, such as older or young employees, low-skilled and skilled workers. Finally, methods and techniques are considered to provide a wide scope of information in combining target group and branch/ industry approaches." (author's abstract). Contents: Emma Hollywood, Ronald McQuaid: Educational Migration - Students Leaving a Region to Study Elsewhere: the Link to Religion in Northern Ireland (17-22); Sibel Kalaycioglu: Dynamics of Internal Migration in Turkey, its Stages of Development and Consequences for Labour (23-33); Marina Kargalova: Problems of Migrant Labour-Force on the Regional Labour-Force Markets in Russia (34-37); Atanas Chaushev: National Strategy of Bulgaria on Migration and Integration - 2008-2015 (38-42); Miguel Bernal: Immigration from a European and Social Point of View (43-45); Aftab Hladikova: Monitoring the Integration of Migrants in Regional Labour Markets. Report on Data and Experiences from the Czech Republic (46-53); Jean-Luc Malvache: Statistical Instruments for Optimised Description and a Better Understanding of the Role of Migrants in the Regional Labour Market of the District and City of Recklinghausen (Germany) (54-64); Franz Clément: Forecasting Skills and Labour Market Needs in Luxembourg: a Particular Transnational Context (65-71); Agnes Hárs, Katalin Nagy: Labour Market Monitoring in Border Regions (72-81); Waldemar Mathejczyk: Target Group Monitoring - A Concept for Regional Labour Market Monitoring with Special Emphasis on the Target Group of Persons with Immigration Background (82-95); Vera Neisen: A Web-Based Information Platform as Means for Communicating Information in the Process of Target Group Monitoring (96-98); Marc Bittner, Michaela Hudler-Seitzberger: Immigrants in the Vienna Labour Market (99-104); Jenny Kipper: The Implementation of a Regional Labour Market Monitoring Concept from the Perspective of Learning Theory (105-112); Dieter Schulze: Usage of Target Group Monitoring in the Process of Implementing a Regional Pact for a Better Labour Market Participation of Older Employees (113-114); Christina Stecker: A Perspective on Ageing Labour Forces in SMEs - Conclusions from the Projects "Smart Region" and "GeniAL" (115-124); Riccardo Romano: Older Employees as a Target Group for Labour Politics An Italian Perspective (125-132); Yvette Grelet, Bernard Hillau: Youth Transition from School to Work in France: National and Regional Aspects (133-139); Nils Beckmann: Monitoring the Involvement of Low-Skilled Employees in Life-Long-Learning in Germany (140-143); Silke Böttcher, Natalie Känel, Markus Lohr, Michael Morlok: Low-Skilled Employees as Target Group for Labour Politics (144-149); Alessia Cremonini, Patrizio Di Nicola: Semi-Skilled Employees as Target Group for Labour Politics. An Italian Perspective (150-152); lwona Kukulak-Dolata: Monitoring Skilled Employees in the Polish Labour Market (153-159); Markus Höhne, Carsten Kampe, Anja Walter: Skilled Employees as a Target Group for Labour Policies. A German Perspective (160-166); Jan Ulatowski: Access via Data on Branches and on Target Groups - Experiences of Regional Labour Market Monitoring in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (167-175); Roland Bieräugel, Marco Mevius: Challenges for Web-Based Regional Labour Market Monitoring Systems (176-183); Marco Ricceri: The Venice Action Statement - the Decentralisation of the Labour Market According to the OECD - 2008 (184-203); Alfons Schmid: Some Perspective Notes an Regional Labour Market Monitoring (204-207).
%C München
%G en
%9 Sammelwerk
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info