Endnote export


%T On the course of temperature in Central Europe since the year 1000 A.D.
%A Glaser, Rüdiger
%J Historical Social Research
%N 1
%P 59-87
%V 22
%D 1997
%@ 0172-6404
%= 2008-11-26T15:51:00Z
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-32116
%X Die vorliegende Analyse der Temperaturschwankungen seit dem Mittelalter basiert auf Index-Kalkulationen der verschiedenen klimatischen Phasen. Für die Zeit nach 1500 liegen genauere Daten vor, die Rückschlüsse auf Landwirtschaft und Sozialgeschichte erlauben. Die Interpretation der Daten mittels einer Regressionsanalyse zeigt starke, natürlich bedingte Fluktuationen in der klimatischen Entwicklung Mitteleuropas. Insgesamt beansprucht die Studie, zu einem besseren Verständnis der Mensch-Umwelt-Beziehung beizutragen. (ICE)
%X 'The present contribution concerns with the course of temperatures in central Europe since the year 1000 A.D. Based on index calculations the various climatic phases, wuch as the Medieval Thermal Optimum and the Little Ice Age are discussed at the decennial level. For the time after 1500 A.D. a monthly subdivision is presented which expecially lends itself to more detailed interpretations e.g. in the fields of agricultural and social history. By means of regression analysis temperature level and annual mean temperatures are calculated, allowing an assessment of the major periods. The study reveals the great dimensions of natural fluctuation in the course of temperature in central europe, hopefully contributing to a better understanding of Man-and-Environment relationship.' (author's abstract)
%G en
%9 journal article
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info