

%T A fistful of Euros: does One-Euro-Job participation lead means-tested benefit recipients into regular jobs and out of unemployment benefit II receipt?
%A Hohmeyer, Katrin
%A Wolff, Joachim
%P 65
%V 32/2007
%D 2007
%= 2012-05-29T12:51:00Z
%~ USB Köln
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-320358
%X "In 2005 a major reform of the German means-tested unemployment benefit system
came into force. The reform aimed at activating benefit recipients, e.g., by a
workfare programme, the so-called One-Euro-Job. This programme was implemented
at a large scale. Participants receive their means-tested benefit and a
small compensation of usually one to 1.5 € per hour worked. Participation typically
lasts six months or less. We investigate the impact of One-Euro-Jobs for
participants who entered the programme at the start of the year 2005. We apply
propensity score matching to estimate the treatment effects on the outcomes
regular employment, neither being registered as unemployed nor as job-seeker
and no unemployment benefit II receipt. We observe these outcomes for about
two years after programme start. The locking-in effects are small. Moreover, 20
months after programme there is a significant but small positive impact on the
employment rate of female but not male participants. During the first two years
after programme start, participation does not contribute to avoiding unemployment
benefit II receipt. Our results imply that there is some effect heterogeneity:
Participation reduces the employment rate of participants younger than 25 years,
but raises it for some older participant groups. It is ineffective for participants
who were recently employed, while it is effective for participants who lost their
last contributory job between 1992 and 2000." [authors abstract]
%C Nürnberg
%G en
%9 Arbeitspapier
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info