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@article{ 2007,
 title = {"Forschung ist harte Arbeit, es ist immer ein Stück Leiden damit verbunden. Deshalb muss es auf der anderen Seite Spaß machen.": Anselm Strauss im Interview mit Heiner Legewie und Barbara Schervier-Legewie},
 journal = {Historical Social Research, Supplement},
 number = {19},
 pages = {69-79},
 year = {2007},
 issn = {0936-6784},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"In an interview from 1994 the sociologist Anselm STRAUSS describes his intellectual biography, influenced by American pragmatism. Some of the central points include the development of the methodology of grounded theory, his research in the sociology of work, organization, and health and his theory of action." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {sociology; methodology; Pragmatismus; grounded theory; social psychology; Methodologie; Sozialpsychologie; interactionism; pragmatism; qualitative method; Grounded Theory; qualitative Methode; Soziologie; social research; Sozialforschung; Interaktionismus}}