

@article{ Schnettler2009,
 title = {Interpretative visual analysis developments: state of the art and pending problems},
 author = {Schnettler, Bernt and Raab, Jürgen},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {2},
 pages = {265-295},
 volume = {34},
 year = {2009},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {'The article offers a brief resume of recent developments in the field of interpretative visual analysis with emphasis on the German speaking area and the sociological discipline. It lays a special focus on hermeneutical and genre analysis and on research with audiovisual data. Far from constituting an already closed field, the authors stress the fact that methodological advances in qualitative research based in visual data still face a number of pending quests. This encompasses sequentiality, complexity and naturalness of video-graphic data, and extends to the respective methodological challenges for transcription, analysis and presentation of results.' (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {Bundesrepublik Deutschland; sociology; role; problem; communication; Mediatisierung; Methodologie; Gesellschaft; Kommunikation; analysis; society; Federal Republic of Germany; visualization; Hermeneutik; Entwicklung; Video; development; social relations; Soziologie; social research; Sozialforschung; Bestandsaufnahme; hermeneutics; mediatization; soziale Beziehungen; complexity; methodology; Komplexität; video; future; qualitative method; Analyseverfahren; Zukunft; analysis procedure; qualitative Methode; Visualisierung; Rolle; inventory; Problem; interpretation; Analyse; Interpretation}}