

@book{ Jamin2009,
 title = {L'imaginaire du complot: discours d'extrême droite en France et aux Etats-Unis},
 author = {Jamin, Jérôme},
 year = {2009},
 series = {IMISCoe Dissertations},
 pages = {343},
 address = {Amsterdam},
 publisher = {Amsterdam Univ. Press},
 isbn = {978-90-8964-048-2},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This book explores the importance of conspiracy rhetoric within populist and far right speeches in Europe and the United States. It shows how a "New World Order" plot give to populist and far right parties an opportunity to develop a rhetoric based on the rescue of democracy despite their obvious rejection of the values and principles which set up democracy.},
 keywords = {populism; France; right-wing radicalism; Rhetorik; Diskurs; discourse; rechtsextreme Partei; Populismus; USA; Frankreich; right-wing extremist party; rhetoric; Rechtsradikalismus; United States of America}}