Bibtex export


@incollection{ Schmiede1995,
 title = {Patient Groups Assess the Patient Card: a Participation Project to Technology Assessment in Medical Informatics},
 author = {Schmiede, Rudi and Stark, Claus},
 editor = {Hornung, Bernd R.},
 year = {1995},
 booktitle = {Technology Assessment of New Information Technologies: Cybernetic Perspectives},
 pages = {5-10},
 address = {Marburg},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Bundesrepublik Deutschland; health insurance fund; neue Technologie; health care delivery system; Gesundheitswesen; data storage; new technology; Federal Republic of Germany; telematics; Krankenkasse; Datenspeicherung; Telematik; Patient; patient}}