

@article{ Bishop2010,
 title = {Spatial externalities, relatedness and sector employment growth in Great Britain},
 author = {Bishop, Paul and Gripaios, Peter},
 journal = {Regional Studies},
 number = {4},
 pages = {443-454},
 volume = {44},
 year = {2010},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This paper examines the impact of externalities on employment growth in sub-regions of Great Britain by estimating OLS and maximum likelihood spatial models at the 2-digit level for 23 sectors.  Issues arising from relatedness, sector differences, competition, cross-boundary spillovers and spatial autocorrelation are explicitly addressed. Results indicate that specialisation has a generally negative impact on growth whilst the impact of diversity is heterogeneous across sectors and strong local competition has a typically positive impact. The results question the merits of policies primarily aimed at promoting regional specialisation and suggest that diversity, local competition and sector heterogeneity are important policy issues.},